7:40 AM 10/29/2024
Sevvai Thosam (செவ்வாய் தோசம்) or Sevvai Dosham means that a person born in certain time, day, month and year may have the affect of Planet Mars in the person's life. Her/his astrological chart will show this effect. This planet Mars affect is also called as Kuja dosha or Mangal dosha in India. The prediction can't be given by an average person. It must be calculated and checked by a good astrologer. Sevvai Thosam is possible when the Sevvai is stationed in certain house in the chart of the boy or girl. This Sevvai Thosam may give the chart owner a late marriage in his life and can provide jobs mostly in the defense sector or in related field as per Tamil Astrology. In India this Mars Affect is called as Kuja Dosha or Mangal Dosha.
In the Jaffna District, eleders used to say that chart's power (செவ்வாய் தோசம்) will not affect the youngster's marriages once they had passed the age of 28. So find a good partner for your elderly daughter as soon as possible. Because she has to live in tis world herself alon after your departure.
According to scientific reasons Sevvai Thosam affected people have red cells count in large number in their blood than the other people.
Asian Astrology says that a person with high red cells in blood should not marry a person with high red cells in blood. Because of this their children may have defects at their birth.
If Sevvai comes in the chart's 7th, or 8th houses from the Lagna or Chandran or Sukran, the person's horoscope is considered as a Sevvai Dosham Chart.
So She / He must look for a
person with Sevvai Dosham for to get married. This is stated by the Tamil Astrologers hundreds of years earlier.
The first one is the person who is affected by this Kuja Dosh can visit to the Vaitheeswaran temple in Tamil Nadu, and should bath in the holy waters of that temple. Then need to worship the Sevvai (Planet Mars) on Tues days for 9 weeks. According to the historical stories this is the Temple where planet Mars prayed for his dieses to be cured by the God Shiva. Regularly visit the "Navagraha Gods" and worship, specially on Tuesdays. As per Tami Nadu people, on Tuesdays, during the sunrise time, light 5 oil lamps in the pooja room and worship towards Lord Subramanya and Goddess Durga.
In Colombo Hindu temples, on Tuesdays young people affected with marriage delays used to perform the "Ragu Kala Poojas" in front of the Durga Devi Amman. Thousands of devotees come here to perform this Poojas in the Amman temples. For more information on how to perform this Ragukala Poojas, you can contact Bambalapitiya Katheresan temple or Mayurapathi Amman temple priests. They are very helpful to overcome the Sevvai Dosam problems too
In addition the affected Bride with Sevvai Dosham used to marry a Banana tree first and then finish with that marriage. And then can marry the Groom. So, the groom won't have any life threatening effects due to this dosam. This practice was being carried out in India and Srilanka for long time.
Sevvai Dosham Affected Boy must marry Sevvai Dosham Affected girl to overcome such issues. The girl or the boy who has Sevvai thosam must marry a person who too have matching Sevvai thosam to prevent any bad affects that may cause by the planet Mars in their life. The modern day science says these people who are affected and have Planet mars in certain house of the charts actually had their blood's Rh factor different from the normal person. So if you thing that if you have Mars in certain house of your chart check your blood's Rh factor to make it sure before the astrologer decide on it. There is another fact that if the bride had passed the age 28, she will not get affected by any of her Astrological chart affects. So she can marry happily after 28, without any fear of their marriage life. So first of all make sure that the birth time is perfectly written down. Check not only with one astrologer but with many astrologers about the chart of the girl or the boy.
Rumors from the popular Indian Newspapers say that the popular Indian Actress Aishwarya Rai too had been affected by the Planets Mars and that's why she had late marriage in her life.. Anyhow if you are a Hindu person, your temple priest is a good person to get advice regarding Mars's affect on your life.
Wellawatte Mayurapathi Amman Temple, Nainativu Nagapoosani Amman Temple in Sri Lanka used to offer special poojas for the mars affected people to have quick marriage. Also these kinds of rituals can help with their child conceiving problems of the married girls. Contact these temple administration to get their special pooja packages for these purposes. Prices are normal and you have to follow their instructions to complete the Poojas..